SERT Internship
Come and be a part of SERT Ministries and learn what it's like to be a SERT Team Member for 3 months in Kampala, Uganda. This internship is for people who want to gain experience in missions, serve the Lord in Africa, and use their skills to further the kingdom of God. Interns must be 18+ years or older, and raise their own financial support. (more details on cost will be given once you apply). Please prayerfully consider joining the SERT Team long term, and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. The first internship will start in Spring of 2016, and will go on a 3 month rotation. The deadline to apply for Spring 2016 is December 2015.
Please read below on the positions avaliable to apply for, and pray about which one would best fit your personality and skill set.

Operations Assistant
The Operations Assistant will shadow the Country Director & Global Director. They are in charge of leading outreaches & devotions, they help lead the interns, and approves budgets / and helps with fundraising. Their main job will be to oversee the SERT Operations in East Africa. This should be someone with strong leadership qualities.

Outreach Coordinator
The Outreach Coordinator will organize different types of outreaches in Uganda, that specifically reach out to the "least of these." They will work on organizing Princess Parties, Bible Studies, and long term discipleship.

Social Media and Communications
The Social Media and Communications Intern will be in charge of updating all of the SERT Ministries Social Media pages with the latest testimonies, and operations needs. They will also be in charge of photography, and putting out weekly newsletters to the community and supporters.

Search Coordiantor and Informations
The Search Coordinator and Informations Intern will oversee a majority of surveillance, seraching for persons of interest, and gather intellegence on areas of operations. They will be responsible for networking with other NGO's, documenting, report writing, and filing. They will be actively gathering statistics within region of work, and will be in charge of interviewing princesses.

Rescue Support and Logistics
The Rescue Support and Logsistics Intern will be in charge of operations equipement and maitence. They will be responsible for facilitating operations, and making sure everything is up to par.

Administrative Secretary
The Administrative Secretary Intern will be responsbile for overseeing daily office tasks. They will also be in charge of filing paperwork, and updating calendars, visas, and minor financing tasks.